Bandwidth rates
At each table to the roulette plate installed where specified free casino slot games
minimum and maximum bets allowed at this table for each type of bet. The range of possible rates at different tables in different casinos differ. The lowest rate for a single room is usually from $ 1 to $ casino slot machine.
Rates for two, three, four or six rooms – about the same. However, rates for equal chances, a dozen or column, tended to be higher: at least $ 25. The biggest bets are accepted in VIP-halls: for example, in VIP-hall of the Moscow casino “Cosmos” maximum rate for a single room is $ 300, free casino slot machine games for a dozen or column – $ 3000, on equal chances – $ 6000.
Oral bids

In many casinos are allowed to make oral bids: you tell the dealer what specific rate you want to do, give him the necessary chips, and it alone places them on the playing field. You, of course, free online casino for fun save your time, but the oral rate – not arbitrary. On the contrary, they are quite unlike those that have already been discussed. They can only do the individual numbers, and these numbers should be placed on the roulette wheel “in the neighborhood.
Roulette wheel diagram shown in the following figure.
The wheel is divided into three sectors: vuazan de zero (or simply vuazan) orfelen (this sector consists of two areas) and tier. In addition, the wheel separated zeroshpil region, free online casino no deposit
which is a sector vuazan.
Bet on the number and the two neighbor